Mindfulness Warriors Workshop
“The Battle Within”
To form a group of bold individuals who believe that meditation training is an important skill in today’s environment. These participants commit to practice meditation at their own pace daily during the workshop course. The Mindful Warrior workshop is an experiential self-discovery of what meditation is, how it works, and why it affects change. While each person faces his or her own unique conditions and obstacles; it is believed that each person has the innate ability to cultivate the skills necessary to address these obstacles successfully. It is hoped that everyone will discover and understand how facing one’s challenges can lead directly to your best opportunity.
In a group setting each individual practices activities of physical, energetic and mental awareness. The group will meet weekly over a 5 week period to develop new habits and skills. Everyone will be asked to practice and journal their mindful action witnessed throughout their day-to-day activities. Group sharing these experiences each week is where the profound understanding occurs. It is hoped that this learning process of sitting and witnessing his / her weekly experiences with the meditation community will be significant.
Elements of your Bold journey to your authentic self:
SESSION 1: Opening the Gate Breathe
SESSION 2 Planting the Seed Observe
SESSION 3 Breaking through Listening
SESSION 4 Unfold Decide
SESSION 5 Integration ………….. BOLD beginning of Mindful Decision making
Meditation Registration Form
Click here to download and fill out the Meditation Registration Form
About Dan Staub
Dan grew-up and lives in suburban Philadelphia. He received a catholic education; from grade school through college. After graduating from St. Joseph’s University, with a B.A. degree in Management & Marketing; Dan pursued a successful forty-year career of Advertising and Marketing for small businesses. Dan’s athletic activities in school led to his study of The Martial Arts; which helped him to stay fit, and counter the stresses of a business career. Subsequently, Dan has trained in Martial Arts for 36 years and is a 5th Degree Karate Master.
The study and teaching of yoga is an evolution from the martial arts. Dan has been a Certified Yoga Teacher for 8 years. Yoga, mindful movement, and meditation; all develop a deep understanding of the mind-body connection. Meditation is an essential skill in Yoga and Martial Arts. Meditation is a practice that develops over time and through daily practice.
Dan has been trained in Buddhist Meditation by Sensei Jules Shuzen Harris at the Soji Zen Center. He also attended many meditation courses including; “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” at The University of Pennsylvania. He is grateful and humbled to be able to share how his meditation practices, enhance all present daily activities. Dan is convinced that we are only in the beginning, of how this practice will reshape our understanding; of what is now, and how to mindfully proceed forward in our work, family, and social interactions.
Warrior Yoga Meditation Class Comments
Subject: RE: Meditation Workshop 2/17
Thank you Dan. You have opened my eyes to how I can incorporate meditation and reflection in small ways in my daily life. I do need to work on making time for longer more focused periods of meditation, but I do have hope. Knowing I can easily meditate for 10 mins is a great start. I was also surprised how much we worked muscles, without a lot of movements and positions; by holding and breathing through positions for a longer period of time.
Subject: RE: Meditation Workshop 2/9/17
Dan, I want to thank you again, I really found the classes to be valuable. I enjoyed both the yoga, and the meditation exercises; now the challenge is to incorporate them into the other days of the week!
Subject: RE: Meditation Workshop 2/9/17
Thanks so much for sharing your time and wisdom with us. It was a really interesting experience, and something I will try and keep up in my personal life. Each time we meditated, it seemed to get a little easier to relax (and the time passed quicker) – the deep breathing is something I now find myself incorporating throughout the day (seems to help with stress). So, again, thank you!