Meet The Maverick
Jeff Cartwright
I love what I do! I’ve been in business since 1974. My “sales career” actually started when I was 14, distributing circulars for a local business … door-to-door, and windshield-to-windshield. I really loved the idea of getting paid for exactly as much as I produced … the harder and smarter I worked, the more money I made. Over the years … I’ve learned that money is quite important … yet my legacy, how many people I serve; will really determine my value in this short life. I’ve discovered the ‘joy of teaching’, and I’ve always strived to “make the student much better and smarter than the teacher”. “As Iron Sharpens Iron … So One Man Sharpens Another” -Proverbs 27:17. I’ve performed and learned over a 40 year “corporate” career with Pfizer, Rhone Poulenc, and hibu (formerly YellowBook/R.H. Donnelley). Working in various direct sales, and sales management and leadership positions. I co-authored the sales training platform for Donnelley and YellowBook and created the Corporate Leadership Training venue for all of hibu. In 2011, I was the creator and primary manager for “The Comprehensive Business Analysis Initiative” for SMEs. This initiative provided sales training and business consulting for hibu’s “Premier Clients (business owners)” across the United States … this was the seed for the founding of JSC Business Consulting … and ultimately, The Coaching Maverick! Most of my time is spent teaching and mentoring small business owners, and assisting them in engaging their employees to realize their vision.
I'm married with 4 children and 3 grandchildren (so far).
I begin each day with a “New” promise: make my performance Today just a little better than the day before; with constant and never-ending improvement. Always growing … Always moving forward!
Life really is short … so… Giddy-Up!